Open Bible
The Open bible book is a study course that you can use on your own or within a group that will help you looking into the bible and under it for yourself.
Ben teaches the reader to meditate and dig out the truths of the word of God for themselves. Pastor Ben has a masters in biblical Greek and Hebrew that will help the reader strengthen their relationship with God and his word.
Amanda believes the Lord wants to use this book to revolutionize the body of Christ.
Ben teaches the reader to meditate and dig out the truths of the word of God for themselves. Pastor Ben has a masters in biblical Greek and Hebrew that will help the reader strengthen their relationship with God and his word.
Amanda believes the Lord wants to use this book to revolutionize the body of Christ.
Rivers and Wells
Rivers and Wells is Ben's first book about his healing journey and how the Lord touched his life.
You have a Dream
This book helps you in your God given dream. Ben has been inspired and commissioned by the Lord Jesus to help God's peoples dreams be fulfilled. For God given dreams to be birthed and come into being in this day and age.
Tree of Life church manual
This is a manual for new believers people who would like to join our church Network or who are a part of the Network. It gives you a foundational view of the visions and values of Tree of Life church and covers the four pillars of the church; Full of the word, Full of the Spirit, Full of the nations and Filled with Love. This mini course will help Christians be mentored in the things of God. We believe in relational fellowship and know that to be a member of a church will not get you into heaven. Every person needs to begin and develop a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and other disciples of Jesus.