Our Values
Our purpose is to "inspire you to dream, to challenge you to live the dream." In a world which seeks to crush your dreams we stand against the prevailing culture and tell you it is healthy to dream. Then we challenge you to take the steps necessary to see your dreams come true.
Our culture is "full of the Word, full of the Spirit, full of the nations, and filled with love."
Our vision is to build a church based on Christ and Him crucified, hemmed in by our four pillars, making disciples who dream and live out their God given dreams. We aim to place some flesh on that vision and show you exactly what it will look like.
Our culture is "full of the Word, full of the Spirit, full of the nations, and filled with love."
Our vision is to build a church based on Christ and Him crucified, hemmed in by our four pillars, making disciples who dream and live out their God given dreams. We aim to place some flesh on that vision and show you exactly what it will look like.